Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sabrina Sloan of Clear 101.7 & 99.7 The Mountain wants you to get Fit for CASA

Right here in our community, there are abused and neglected children who live in the shadows of our lives. Last year in Central Oregon there were over 400 children that were placed in foster care. What is most surprising – and disheartening – is that during this incredibly vulnerable time in a young life, the foster care and court system is too overworked to deal with the unique needs and rights of each child. As a result, too many children in the system get bounced from house to house, having to change schools five or six times in a couple of years. These children deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. They deserve the chance to live in a safe, loving and permanent home. That is why the CASA program exists and that’s why I am getting Fit for CASA. 

As part of my registration for the 6th annual Light of Hope run on April 21, I also get free online coaching, a weekly running schedule, and 3 organized group workouts-meetings. I started my training last week. Day one of training went well, I ran 1.25 miles and felt pretty good. I feel that my last year of power vinyasa flow may have prepared me for the effort and I'm considering the 10K instead of the 5K. Day two my cross train was in the form of more power vinyasa flow and now I'm wiped out and ready for my rest day!  I think I need to eat more too. I'm so excited to become a runner now. I've daydreamed on how I can take this form of fitness with me, anywhere I go; no need for special tools or a gym! Besides having more cardiovascular health I'm looking forward to finally dropping those last few pounds around my belly that seem to love hanging on so much. Please join me in my efforts and get Fit for CASA! 

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