Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Commissioner Alan Unger Invites You To Get Fit For CASA

I think as one gets older you start to recognize your health has to be a top priority.  I used to work outside and considered myself to be a pretty healthy individual. Now that I sit at a desk most of the time my fitness level is at an all-time low. I thought if I joined a gym I would be magically back in shape – instead I found I am just not a gym person. I need a workout plan that fits my schedule. That’s why I decided to get Fit for CASA.

Click here to register for th 6th Annual Light of Hope

As part of my registration for their 6th annual Light of Hope run on April 21, I also get FREE online coaching, a weekly running schedule, and 3 organized group workouts/meetings. I am really looking forward to getting in better shape AND helping raise funds for CASA, an organization close to my heart. Please join me in my efforts and get Fit for CASA!

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