Thursday, May 17, 2012

Read this article about one's woman's journey to overcome abuse

Why I Talk About My Childhood Abuse Over and Over
by Christina Enevoldsen                                             
When I used to talk about my childhood sexual abuse, I heard familiar accusations: “You just want attention” or “Nobody likes a crybaby.” As I poured out the same story again and again to my friends, I felt guilty for wasting their time.
I believed that there was a rule that I was allowed to share a bad experience with one or two people at the most and then I had to stop talking about it or I was “just being a victim”. Yet I was compelled to keep talking about it even with the internal accusations and the guilt that it caused.
I was warned that “dwelling” on things doesn’t serve any purpose—that it would just make me feel worse. But I was already depressed and it wasn’t from talking about my abuse. I was depressed because my trauma and the feelings that went with it were locked up inside of me. As I started to see some benefit from talking about my abuse, I started to question the limited talking “rule”.
Where did I get the idea that attention is bad or selfish? When I wanted someone to hear me, why did the voice in my head say, “You think you’re so important, but you’re not”.
One of my earliest memories is of myself as a two year old. I don’t remember what I needed or if it was a physical or emotional need, but when I found my parents, they were with my baby brother. They acted annoyed that I had needs too. Their reaction communicated that I was expecting too much, that I was selfish, that having needs was something to be ashamed of.
Throughout my childhood, that message was reinforced in so many ways. I was emotionally abandoned if I cried or expressed “negative” feelings. My parents ignored my crying, so I coughed instead. My dad would come to my crib and mock my fake cough, but he wouldn’t acknowledge my needs or tend to them. His mocking told me that my needs weren’t important and added the additional message that I was a liar who exaggerated my needs.
I learned that I wasn’t tolerable unless I was happy so I learned to shut up about my needs and my pain. Acting like everything was okay was the only way to avoid more pain from rejection.
As an adult, whenever I talked about the past, I hated myself for exposing my “badness” and “making” people walk away from me. I expected to be abandoned the same way my parents had abandoned me and I abandoned myself during the times that I needed the most comfort.
Seeing where those beliefs and behaviors came from allowed me to see that I’m a worthy of love even when I express my pain or talk about the awful things that happened to me.
In my healing from abuse, I’ve found that there are two parts to recovery: Dealing with the damage and providing the things for myself that are lacking. Talking about my abuse is the means to both of those things.
1. As I’ve talked about my past, I’ve come to accept that it really happened. After repressing the memories of my traumatic childhood, it was unbelievable that the images in my head really happened—and they didn’t just happen to someone, they happened to ME. I went over it again and again—in my mind and with others. Sometimes, when I shared my story, I felt like a liar even though I knew I wasn’t making it up. I’d go in and out of denial and then at some point, I really got it. Talking about my abuse helped me accept the truth. This wasn’t a TV show or news story—this was my story.
Talking to understanding and compassionate people was the gateway to feeling compassion and pain for myself and acknowledging the depth of my loss. When I finally sat still with my experience and listened to my heart, I finally FELT heard.
2. I talked about my abuse because I needed to know what happened to me really mattered. The way I was treated as a child told me that my feelings didn’t matter—that I didn’t matter. I was wasting someone’s time since I was a waste of time. The horror and tears on a friend’s face told me that what happened to me really was bad and that I wasn’t making a big deal out of nothing. What happened to me was wrong. I deserved to be treated better.
3. Telling my story has been a way to reach out for the validation I never got. Since I dissociated during my abuse and for so much of my life, I wasn’t connected to myself, especially to my emotional self. Talking to understanding and compassionate people was the gateway to feeling compassion and pain for myself and to acknowledging the depth of my loss. When I finally sat still with my experience and listened to my heart, I finally felt heard.
4. Talking about my abuse allows me to hear myself. As I listen, I hear myself emphasize details that I’d thought were insignificant. It’s given me greater understanding of my feelings and behaviors today. I’ve make connections between past events and current feelings and behaviors. I’ve solved today’s problems by looking back at how I got here.
For the most part, when I talk about my abuse now, it’s for someone elses benefit. However, when a new memory surfaces or I delve into a deeper layer, I share it with my friends and I give myself all the time I need to process it.
I used to feel the pressure to get it all out quickly since I wanted to stop before I was abandoned, but now I’m patient with myself and no matter how long I talk or grieve, I don’t abandon myself in the process. I know I’m worth all the time it takes to heal.
Christina Enevoldsen is cofounder of Overcoming Sexual Abuse, an online resource for male and female abuse survivors looking for practical answers and tools for healing. Christina’s passions are writing and speaking about her own journey of healing from abuse and inspiring people toward wholeness. She and her husband live in Los Angeles and share three children and four grandchildren.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day
CASA of Central Oregon

We want to help you celebrate in style!

What a great way to say Happy Mother's Day with a gift that helps "Wipe Out" child abuse and neglect. CASA's Celebration of Hope kitchen towels not only say, "I Love You", but 100% of the proceeds will benefit CASA of Central Oregon and help children who are in foster care through no fault of their own. The unique flower-sack towel art was created by a child's vision and interpretation of "Hope".

Purchase 1/$14.95 or for best value a bundle of 3/$39.95.

Contact our office @ 541.389.1618 to place your order today.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Local organizations working to improve lives of foster kids

Great article published in the Bend Bulletin

Many years ago when I was in law school, I worked at the Juvenile Law Center in Portland as a student intern. It was there that I was first exposed to children and youth in the court system — not just those who had committed a criminal act, but also those who were dependents of the court and involved in the child welfare system through no fault or act of their own. From that point forward, much of my professional life was devoted to making life better for these children and youth.
The one thing I came to know and appreciate about this group, known as dependents, was that many ended up in foster care facing additional challenges. They were often disconnected from family, spending months and years in “out of home” placements. Though safety and permanency are the primary goals of our child welfare system, permanency is often elusive to this particular group. My work led me to understand that it is not only our job as a community to protect our children, but also to help provide a safe and nurturing environment for them. Without a real place to call home, many of these children end up homeless, in prison, or suffering mental and emotional problems in disproportionate numbers once they exit the system.
About a year ago, I became involved in an effort here in Deschutes County known as the Family Preservation and Support Initiative. This initiative includes the Deschutes County Commission on Children and Families, Court Appointed Special Advocates, Department of Human Services Child Welfare and Mountain Star Relief Nursery. These organizations, with the support of the Casey Family Programs, are part of the local Raise Me Up campaign.
To date, these efforts have included establishing a “family finding” process aimed at identifying and locating family connections for children and youth placed in foster care. The hope is to find family to ultimately serve as the alternate placement for these children rather than regular foster care, or at least provide the connection to family that is vital to them.
CASA and DHS have committed resources to developing and implementing this effort to tremendous success thus far. Over the past two years, 729 family members have been identified for children in this program. It has been shown that placing a child with family members when possible, known as “relative care,” is generally more cost effective and better for a child's emotional health and stability.
Another effort currently in process is development of a pilot Foster Parent Mentor Program. This program will provide support for biological parents with the goal of safely reducing the number of children entering care and increasing the number leaving care.
We have many exceptional foster parents wanting to do more than just warehouse the children and youth coming into their care. The trusted logic has been that to protect children from abusive and neglectful parents, it was necessary to literally disconnect them from their families. This included discouraging contact between biological parents and foster parents. This view has changed, and this program, when implemented, will be a giant leap forward in changing the dynamics of foster care. In fact, DHS is currently recruiting for foster families for this program.
April is Child Abuse Awareness Month. The Raise Me Up campaign is designed to bring attention to those abused and neglected children who find themselves in foster care who can only dream of a safe and permanent home, and to remind us of our responsibility as a community to help raise all of our children.
Please remember to wear a blue ribbon in recognition of abused and neglected children and the need to fight that epidemic. Then go to www to see how you can help. Go to “Volunteering” on the Home page, click on “Learn More,” then “County Opportunities” and finally “Deschutes County.”
by Judy Stiegler 
-Judy lives in Bend.